Evan and I road trip a fair amount, it's something we enjoy doing together, for the most part. We always have a blast, but even in those moments where we're over it, we try to find some joy.
We had just left Sault Ste Marie to return to Kingston. This was the second leg of our two day trip. We were tired, grumpy, hungry, and everything else in between.
We like to take note of people on the road, create little stories about them, guess who the driver in front of us might be, where they're going... "The stories we tell ourselves..." is a reoccurring theme around here if you haven't already noticed.
We ended up behind a pickup truck. I didn't even notice the booster seat at first. As we grumbled about being stuck behind (they were turning onto a road with no turn lane), a transport was passing on the other side. We had just started our journey and had been stuck behind various slow moving vehicles... always when you want to get to your destination, right?
A little arm shot up from the back seat of the pickup truck, pulling down, to signal the driver to honk.
Evan and I turned and looked at each other and smiled.
In 5 seconds or less, this little arm changed our day. We imagined how excited that little one was to see a transport, and I can only imagine that they do it every single time they see one. The joy in the journey, and in the unknown.
It's always the little things. So tiny, so mighty.
How do we bottle this magic? How do we find it within ourselves?
The little things. How a honking transport (by the way, this one didn't see him and didn't honk) can change a day. How allowing space for something to happen, even if it doesn't, can change the day.
This little one may have been sad that they didn't honk, but they tried. The value of trying. Even if something doesn't go your way, you gave it a shot. If you go into something already knowing the answer might be no, believe magic can still happen. What if what you thought was a no, might be a yes. If you go into it thinking your no is a still a no, at least you tried for the yes and have a definitive answer instead of regret.
Keep finding the joy in your journey.
Cousin Laura